What Are the Challenges and Solutions for HR in BPO?
The business process outsourcing (BPO) sector is one of the industries with the fastest growth rates. With this growth also comes the need for faster payroll and overall human resource management.
The business process outsourcing (BPO) sector is one of the industries with the fastest growth rates. With this growth also comes the need for faster payroll and overall human resource management.
In the Philippines, a casual employee is someone hired for temporary and non-regular work. See the rules for employing casual workers.
Employee engagement is the secret to workers willing to go above and beyond. See how you could implement successful employee engagement programs.
The First-Time Jobseekers Assistance Act waives the fees and charges for first-time job applicants when requesting pre-employment documents. This article gives an overview of the rules.
Keeping abreast of evolving human resources (HR) trends is important to maintain your business success. Several transformative HR trends are poised to reshape the workplace, offering unprecedented opportunities for organizational growth.
The TRAIN Law brought about improvements in the administration of percentage taxes to enhance efficiency and compliance.
Are you a Pag-IBIG member currently thinking about processing, making payments, and availing the services easily? With the help of the virtual Pag-IBIG, it is simple and quick to use the government agency’s online services at home.
The record retention period refers to how long an organization hangs on to critical records as required by laws and regulations. These personnel records can include financial documents and employee records, among others.
December 30, also known as Rizal Day, is a regular holiday in the Philippines that commemorates the works and life of the national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. It marks the anniversary of Rizal’s execution at Bagumbayan, Manila, in 1896.
AWOL or absent without official leave in the context of work and employment means an employee has gone absent without sending a notice or explanation. See the rules here.
Makati City, PH
9th Floor, AIA Tower 8767 Paseo de Roxas, Salcedo Village, Bel-Air 1226, Makati City, Philippines